Monday, January 12, 2009

Plans for The Winter Schedule

I've been the weekend brainstorming and combing over listings and classes in an attempt to formulate some sort of schedule now that Peter is home. I still haven't gotten things all put together but here is some of what we will be doing for winter term.

Our winter term starts the 26th of January because that's when the Academy begins their term. That will give me a little time to implement this schedule and fine tune it. Tink really wants to keep the coffee shop in the schedule so we are going to do that. This morning is usually coffee morning but we will not be doing that today. There is just too many other things that need taken care of .

Tink has orchestra at the Academy so while Im there I will find out about Peters Education Specialist (teacher). He has to be assigned an ES before we can actually start his curriculum. I also have no idea of what classes he can take there so it leaves me a little in limbo. But here is what I have planned for the kids outside the Academy.

We are going to go back to our Children's Hour. I have a label on the sidebar explaining exactly what that entails but its basically a time around the breakfast table where we work on our Bible memorization passage, learn new songs, work on memorizing the Awana verses for the week, memorize a poem, and pray. Our church is praying around the clock in 15 minute increments asking God to bless the work there and praying for the people and the ministries. I signed up for my 15 minute slot at 8:45 am. I did this so we could finish our breakfast in prayer at that time. Breakfast is at 8:15 am so it will be perfect to do our 15 minute prayer time at 8:45. I thought it would be nice to get the kids involved with that.

School work will begin at 9:15 am. Tink has been starting at 9 usually but Im moving it forward to give a little more time for clearing the table and getting the dishwasher started. I don't time my daily household chores or put time on cleaning schedules but I do stick to times when it comes to school. One big reason is because of the classes we take outside of the home. If we don't stay on schedule here then we wont be able to make classes on time. Tink is now on her own weekly schedule which I also explained before but I will have to go back to an
old fashioned daily scheduling for Peter. At 2nd grade he cant work independently yet.

I haven't found a read aloud book yet. There are just so many good ones. I'm thinking of trying Little House in the Big Woods again. Last time I did Tink threw a fit but she is much further along now and I think Peter would like it. It just seems odd to me that we have all day every day to work together. I haven't quite grasped that yet. Tink works until about 2:30 on her school work everyday. At second grade Peter doesn't have to put in as long of hours so I'm planning projects for him to do. I haven't gotten them all figured out but when I do I will let you in on them. In fact, you will probably have to bore through pictures of them.

His extra curricular classes are going to be in archery, fishing, and golfing. He's taking basketball starting the 19th of this month. The others are all in February and March. Dad has instructed Peter to fill the wood box this afternoon so that should keep him busy at least an hour. I'm also taking the kids roller skating this afternoon at the skating rink, if my knee starts feeling better by then! The rink here offers special rates and days to homeschoolers. My goal with Peter home is to keep him moving as much as possible. It's back to nature walks, skating, neighborhood basketball and soccer, yard work, bike riding, jumping on the trampoline and any other form of exercise I can find for that boy. Ive got all sorts of exciting things planned for spring term that involves the outside work, not the least of which involves teaching the kids about composting.

We are now starting our winter bird study using the bird cards from the Abeka curriculum. I went through them and pulled out the ones that show birds from our neck of the woods. We have so many coming in to the feeder right now that I have decided to post the cards right there by the window for easy reference.

I haven't figured out the poem we are going to learn, nor the scripture memory, nor the song we are going to learn, nor the book for sure so I really have to get that nailed down this morning before the kids wake up. I have ideas but nothing firmed up yet.

I'm throwing around the idea of doing Five In a Row with Peter, not the entire curriculum thing with it, but just the part of reading the books and the busy work. They have the best books for literature reading for kids Peters age. When the mind is blank its a great resource. And speaking of books I am putting a library day back in the schedule too. While at the library I'm going to show the kids how to use the computers to find the books. They are always asking about the referencing system and such so now is the time to teach them how to use their local library.

Well I have to go take care of my knee. Yesterday I wore heels to church for both services and now my knee is shooting pain. I'm going to keep the heating pad on it every minute that I am sitting today. The pain is excruciating again. I also have doctors appointments to make this morning. There is no time to loiter here much as I love the planning of things. As I said before in a post below, planning is easy, at some point though it all has to be incorporated and that doesn't happen at the computer.

I'm off to get more coffee and get started! Have a great day.

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