Tinks violin class played music for about half an hour during the showcase. Here in the first photo she participating as a second violinist for Orchestra II. She is sitting there in the back corner on the far right. In the next photo she is playing first violin for Orchestra I.
It was a fun night. Tink had a girlfriend spending the night so she was all giddy and the last thing she wanted to do was to sit there and play violin! I picked her friend up at 2:30 pm and then she went with us to the showcase. The girls ate an entire little six piece cake I had bought them for the sleepover. I stopped at a little bakery here in town and let them choose what they wanted. Of course they wanted the cake with the name Chocolate Extravaganza!
They had nachos at the Showcase and came home and popped popcorn and watched a Nancy Drew video, then giggled until 1 am. The next day they both did their schoolwork together here. That's the joy of having friends who homeschool. You can have midweek sleepovers, roll out of bed and get right to school work!
I just bought Peter a new Social Studies/Geography book and I'm quite excited about it. I had to get him something that wasn't faith based so I had samples to give to the state. I put him Social Studies Skill Builders which is a combination of lessons from the Weekly Reader. I am loving it more than I originally thought I would. It's easy to use and so informative!
Well I've spent almost the entire weekend working in the schoolroom and now it's time to do damage control on the rest of the place.
I really like your display, and what a great idea. We have quite a few homeschoolers in my area, but they are also very independent, so no organized homeschool groups...mostly homeschool field trip groups, or groups within churches open to those members only.